《ISO/SAE 21434: 2021 Road vehicles — Cybersecurity engineering 道路车辆网络安全工程》标准解读之(14)

5 Organizational cybersecurity management 组织网络安全管理/5.5 Work products 工作输出

5.5 Work products 工作输出

[WP-05-01] Cybersecurity policy, rules and processes, resulting from the requirements of 5.4.1 to 5.4.3
[WP-05-01] 5.4.1至5.4.3输出的网络安全方针,规则以及流程

[WP-05-02] Evidence of competence management, awareness management resulting from [RQ‑05‑07] and continuous improvement resulting from [RQ-05-08] of 5.4.2
[WP-05-02] 5.4.2的[RQ‑05‑07] 输出的能力管理,意识管理的证据,以及[RQ-05-08]输出的持续改善的证据

[WP-05-03] Evidence of the organization’s management systems, resulting from the requirements of 5.4.4 and 5.4.6
[WP-05-03] 5.4.4至5.4.6要求输出的组织管理体系的证据

[WP-05-04] Evidence of tool management, resulting from the requirements of 5.4.5
[WP-05-04] 5.4.5要求输出的工具管理的证据

[WP-05-05] Organizational cybersecurity audit report, resulting from the requirements of 5.4.7
[WP-05-05] 5.4.7要求输出的组织网络安全审核报告


  1. “5.5 工作输出”,主要把实施“5 组织网络安全管理”必须要输出的关键证据列了出来,包括[WP-05-01] [WP-05-02] [WP-05-03] [WP-05-04] 以及[WP-05-05]
  2. 当然“5 组织网络安全管理”需要输出的证据,可能远远不止这些,需要输出的文档(包括本条款提及的上述五个方面),在前面的条款解析的时候,都有详细的说明。